The American Journal of Psychiatry ~ Volume 166 • Number 5 • May 2009 pp505-630 by: American Psychiatric Association 

In This IssueAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: A22 [Full Text][PDF][AJP Audio May 2009] [Residents' Journal] Editorials Otto F. Kernberg and Robert MichelsBorderline Personality DisorderAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 505-508 [Full Text][PDF] John M. Oldham Borderline Personality Disorder Comes of AgeAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 509-511 [Full Text][PDF] Barbara L. Parry Assessing Risk and Benefit: To Treat or Not to Treat Major Depression During Pregnancy With Antidepressant MedicationAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 512-514 [Full Text][PDF] Images in Neuroscience Torkel Klingberg and Fiona McNabWorking Memory Remediation and the D1 ReceptorAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 515 [Full Text][PDF] Treatment in Psychiatry Glen O. Gabbard and Mardi J. HorowitzInsight, Transference Interpretation, and Therapeutic Change in the Dynamic Psychotherapy of Borderline Personality DisorderAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 517-521 [Full Text][PDF][CME: AJP CME Course for May 2009: Insight, Transference Interpretation, and Ther...] Clinical Case Conference Marianne Goodman, Erin A. Hazlett, Antonia S. New, Harold W. Koenigsberg, and Larry SieverQuieting the Affective Storm of Borderline Personality DisorderAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 522-528 [Full Text][PDF] Images in Psychiatry Aaron H. Esman Alfred Kubin, 1877–1959Am J Psychiatry 2009 166: 529 [Full Text][PDF] ????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material The American Journal of Psychiatry ~ Volume 166 • Number 5 • May 2009Reviews and Overviews John G. Gunderson Borderline Personality Disorder: Ontogeny of a DiagnosisAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 530-539 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF] Psychiatric GWAS Consortium Coordinating Committee Genomewide Association Studies: History, Rationale, and Prospects for Psychiatric DisordersAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 540-556 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF] Articles Katherine L. Wisner, Dorothy K.Y. Sit, Barbara H. Hanusa, Eydie L. Moses-Kolko, Debra L. Bogen, Diane F. Hunker, James M. Perel, Sonya Jones-Ivy, Lisa M. Bodnar, and Lynn T. SingerMajor Depression and Antidepressant Treatment: Impact on Pregnancy and Neonatal OutcomesAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 557-566 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF] James Scott, Graham Martin, Joy Welham, William Bor, Jake Najman, Michael O’Callaghan, Gail Williams, Rosemary Aird, and John McGrathPsychopathology During Childhood and Adolescence Predicts Delusional-Like Experiences in Adults: A 21-Year Birth Cohort StudyAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 567-574 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF][CME: AJP CME Course for May 2009: Psychopathology During Childhood and Adolescen...] Candice L. Odgers, Edward P. Mulvey, Jennifer L. Skeem, William Gardner, Charles W. Lidz, and Carol SchubertCapturing the Ebb and Flow of Psychiatric Symptoms With Dynamical Systems ModelsAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 575-582 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF] Ling Zheng, Wendy J. Mack, Karen S. Dagerman, John K. Hsiao, Barry D. Lebowitz, Constantine G. Lyketsos, T. Scott Stroup, David L. Sultzer, Pierre N. Tariot, Cheryl Vigen, and Lon S. SchneiderMetabolic Changes Associated With Second-Generation Antipsychotic Use in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: The CATIE-AD StudyAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 583-590 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF] Frank Andersohn, René Schade, Samy Suissa, and Edeltraut GarbeLong-Term Use of Antidepressants for Depressive Disorders and the Risk of Diabetes MellitusAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 591-598 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF][CME: AJP CME Course for May 2009: Long-Term Use of Antidepressants for Depressiv...] Stephen R. Wisniewski, A. John Rush, Andrew A. Nierenberg, Bradley N. Gaynes, Diane Warden, James F. Luther, Patrick J. McGrath, Philip W. Lavori, Michael E. Thase, Maurizio Fava, and Madhukar H. TrivediCan Phase III Trial Results of Antidepressant Medications Be Generalized to Clinical Practice? A STAR*D ReportAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 599-607 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF] Arne Zastrow, Stefan Kaiser,, Christoph Stippich, Stephan Walther, Wolfgang Herzog, Kate Tchanturia, Aysenil Belger, Matthias Weisbrod, Janet Treasure, and Hans-Christoph FriederichNeural Correlates of Impaired Cognitive-Behavioral Flexibility in Anorexia NervosaAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 608-616 [Abstract][Full Text][PDF] Letters to the Editor CHRIS GORDON Managing Complex Transference With Preparatory PsychoeducationAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 617 [Full Text][PDF] EDWARD K. SILBERMAN Sexuality and Narcissist Injury in Male Patients With Female TherapistsAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 617-618 [Full Text][PDF] GABRIELLE HOBDAY, LISA MELLMAN, and GLEN O. GABBARDDrs. Hobday, Mellman, and Gabbard ReplyAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 618 [Full Text][PDF] SYEDA SHAZIA NUZHAT and DAVID NEAL OSSERChest Pain in a Young Patient Treated With Prazosin for PTSDAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 618-619 [Full Text][PDF] DAVID E. KEMP, FARAMARZ ISMAIL-BEIGI, and JOSEPH R. CALABRESEAntidepressant Response Associated With Pioglitazone: Support for an Overlapping Pathophysiology Between Major Depression and Metabolic SyndromeAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 619 [Full Text][PDF] PEKKA LAINE, JUSSIPEKKA MARTTILA, and SARI LINDEMANHallucinations in the Context of Varenicline WithdrawalAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 619-620 [Full Text][PDF] HENRY WHITE Locating Clinical Boundaries in the World Wide WebAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 620-621 [Full Text][PDF] Corrections Am J Psychiatry 2009 166: 621 [Full Text][PDF] Book Forum MICHAEL G. MORAN Borderline Personality Disorder: A Clinical Guide, Second EditionAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 622 [Full Text][PDF] MARY C. ZANARINI Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Guide to Evidence-Based PracticeAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 623 [Full Text][PDF] ANDREEA L. SERITAN The Lonely American: Drifting Apart in the Twenty-First CenturyAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 623-624 [Full Text][PDF] RICHARD M. WAUGAMAN The Lonely American: Drifting Apart in the Twenty-First CenturyAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 624-625 [Full Text][PDF] ????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material The American Journal of Psychiatry ~ Volume 166 • Number 5 • May 2009ANDREW F. LEUCHTER Healing the Hardware of the Soul: Enhance Your Brain to Improve Your Work, Love, and Spiritual LifeAm J Psychiatry 2009 166: 625 [Full Text][PDF] Books Received
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