Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sabiston Textbook of Surgery

Sabiston Textbook of Surgery:* Hardcover: 2100 pages* Publisher: Saunders; 18 edition (November 6, 2007)* Language: English* ISBN-10: 141605233X* ISBN-13: 978-1416052333The present text is the third edition for which the editorial board has been led by Courtney Townsend. It presents a full in-depth understanding of surgical disease. Not only is this edition the most extensive and inclusive of any of the previous editions, but it goes into areas into which few surgical textbook contributors have ventured. The book is laid out in color-coded sections that are easy to use. Even though the section titles are those commonly found in most other surgical textbooks, the material contained in each section's cahpters is far more detailed and advanced in concept than is currently available elsewhere." -- JAMA, 2008????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Sabiston Textbook of SurgerySabiston Textbook of Surgery:* Hardcover: 2100 pages* Publisher: Saunders; 18 edition (November 6, 2007)* Language: English* ISBN-10: 141605233X* ISBN-13: 978-1416052333The present text is the third edition for which the editorial board has been led by Courtney Townsend. It presents a full in-depth understanding of surgical disease. Not only is this edition the most extensive and inclusive of any of the previous editions, but it goes into areas into which few surgical textbook contributors have ventured. The book is laid out in color-coded sections that are easy to use. Even though the section titles are those commonly found in most other surgical textbooks, the material contained in each section's cahpters is far more detailed and advanced in concept than is currently available elsewhere." -- JAMA, 2008????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Sabiston Textbook of Surgery


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