Jack J. Kanski, "Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach"

Clinical Ophthalmology has been a trusted reference through five editions for thousands of students and practitioners. Established as one of the world’s leading ophthalmic resources it has now been updated for a new generation of readers with online materials including full text, downloadable images and self-assessment tools. These and many additional features ensure its continuing place as a leading textbook in its field
1 Ocular examination techniques
2 Imaging techniques
3 Developmental malformations and anomalies
4 Eyelids
5 Lacrimal drainage system
6 Orbit
7 Dry eye disorders
8 Conjunctiva
9 Cornea
10 Corneal and refractive surgery
11 Episclera and sclera
12 Lens
13 Glaucoma
14 Uveitis
15 Ocular tumours and related conditions
16 Retinal vascular disease
17 Acquired macular disorders and related conditions
18 Fundus dystrophies
19 Retinal detachment
20 Strabismus
21 Neuro-ophthalmology
22 Drug-induced disorders
23 Trauma
24 Systemic diseases
is this the complete book or only slides?
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