Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, April-June-2005 by Smartdent*
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Biostatistics for Oral Healthcare

Product Description:
Biostatistics for Oral Healthcare offers students, practitioners and instructors alike a comprehensive guide to mastering biostatistics and their application to oral healthcare.

Product Description:
Biostatistics for Oral Healthcare offers students, practitioners and instructors alike a comprehensive guide to mastering biostatistics and their application to oral healthcare.

* * * Publisher:* Wiley-Blackwell
* * * Number Of Pages:* 536
* * * Publication Date:* 2006-10-30
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 1405135409
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9781405135405
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Product Description:
This groundbreaking textbook intertwines the subjects of dental hygiene and dental therapy to provide a comprehensive resource for students of these courses, as well as those studying new degree programmes in oral health science. Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy has been designed as a dedicated companion text for these disciplines and should enable students to streamline their primary reading.
The opening section of the book is dedicated to relevant oral sciences: anatomy; histology; embryology; oral medicine and pathology. The clinical section contains fourteen chapters which provide coverage of the core syllabus for dental hygiene and therapy. The final section is dedicated to primary dental care services and law, ethics and professionalism. Each chapter features a revision section to reinforce learning.
Following course developments and an expansion in the remit of both hygienists and therapists, this book has been written not only for students, but as a revision and updating manual for practicing hygienists and therapists
Improving Oral Health for the Elderly: An Interdisciplinary Approach
By J.C. Takamura, Ira B. Lamster, Mary E. Northridge
By J.C. Takamura, Ira B. Lamster, Mary E. Northridge

- Publisher: Springer
- Number Of Pages: 510
- Publication Date: 2008-02-25
- ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0387743367
- ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780387743363
- Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
Two important oral health policy concerns in the United States are disparities in the oral disease burden and the inability of certain segments of the population to access oral health care. Both of these challenges are largely due to socioeconomic stratification in US society. As a consequence of the release of the surgeon generala ™s report on oral health, there has been a call to action to improve the oral health of underprivileged groups who have difficulty accessing dental services. But in contrast to the extensive national attention focused on childrena ™s oral health in recent years, Americaa ™s growing elderly population has received relatively little attention and almost no public health or public policy interventions. Population projections for the United States indicate that the elderly will constitute an increasing percentage of the population. In 2001, the population of the United States was almost 278 million, and 12.6% of the population was 65 years of age or older. By 2015, the population is expected to increase to 312 million, and 14.7% of the population will be aged 65 years or older. In 2030, which is within the practice lives of students currently enrolled in dental schools, the population will have increased to more than 350 million, and 20% of the populationa "1 of every 5 members of US societya "will be 65 years of age or older. Further, the elderly population will become increasingly diverse in terms of race/ethnicity, financial resources, and living conditions. There are several compelling reasons for this book. First, oral health is the clearest physical marker of socioeconomic disadvantage in the United States, given longstanding policies oneverything from reimbursement for services to who can perform what procedures. Second, the aging population will require a host of new approaches to service delivery, and oral health is often left out of deliberations. Third, oral health for older adults is an area of health disparities research and practice that remains to be meaningfully addressed. And finally, broad based approaches to population health and well-being argue for a comprehensive understanding of etiology and burden of illness across the life course. It is in later life that the compilation of preventive as well as risk factors are most evident in our mouths.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Methods of Protein Microcharacterization: A Practical Handbook (Methods in Molecular Biology)
By John E. Shively
Publisher: Humana Press
Number Of Pages: 463
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Methods of Protein Microcharacterization: A Practical Handbook
Publication Date: 1986-07-08
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0896030903
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780896030909
Binding: Hardcover

By John E. Shively
Publisher: Humana Press
Number Of Pages: 463
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Methods of Protein Microcharacterization: A Practical Handbook
Publication Date: 1986-07-08
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0896030903
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780896030909
Binding: Hardcover
Avian Influenza Virus (Methods in Molecular Biology)
By Erica Spackman
Publisher: Humana Press
Number Of Pages: 228
Publication Date: 2008-02-22
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Avian Influenza Virus
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1588299392
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781588299390
Binding: Hardcover
With the growing global fear of a major pandemic, avian influenza virus research has increased greatly in importance during this young century. In Avian Influenza Virus, an expert team of researchers and diagnosticians examine the fundamental yet essential virological methods for AI virus research and diagnostics as well as some of the newest molecular procedures currently used for basic and applied research. Exciting, cutting-edge new methods focus on studying the virus itself and work with avian hosts, an area greatly lacking in research. Following the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter provides readily reproducible laboratory protocols offering step-by-step instruction and lists of the necessary equipment for the task.
Comprehensive and timely, Avian Influenza Virus equips diagnosticians and researchers with the current tools and information they need to learn more about this high impact disease.
By Erica Spackman

Publisher: Humana Press
Number Of Pages: 228
Publication Date: 2008-02-22
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Avian Influenza Virus
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1588299392
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781588299390
Binding: Hardcover
With the growing global fear of a major pandemic, avian influenza virus research has increased greatly in importance during this young century. In Avian Influenza Virus, an expert team of researchers and diagnosticians examine the fundamental yet essential virological methods for AI virus research and diagnostics as well as some of the newest molecular procedures currently used for basic and applied research. Exciting, cutting-edge new methods focus on studying the virus itself and work with avian hosts, an area greatly lacking in research. Following the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter provides readily reproducible laboratory protocols offering step-by-step instruction and lists of the necessary equipment for the task.
Comprehensive and timely, Avian Influenza Virus equips diagnosticians and researchers with the current tools and information they need to learn more about this high impact disease.

NMS Medicine (National Medical Series-Medicine)
By Susan Wolfsthal
By Susan Wolfsthal
Book Description:
NMS Medicine is the ideal reference and review for medical students in the internal medicine clerkship. This edition has been thoroughly updated and streamlined to focus on the essentials of diagnosis and management of major conditions. The Sixth Edition will provide a renewed focus on the third-year medicine clerkship student.
Length:17 MB
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Organelle Proteomics (Methods in Molecular Biology)
By Delphine Pflieger, Jean Rossier
Publisher: Humana Press
Number Of Pages: 440
Publication Date: 2008-02-19
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1588297799
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781588297792
Binding: Hardcover
This book starts with a chapter by Dr. Edwin Romijn and Prof. John R. Yates III, who introduce the different analytical strategies developed and successfully utilized to study organelle proteomes, and detail the use of multidimensional liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for peptide sample analysis. This book is further composed of two main sections. First, detailed protocols are provided to perform the purification of the various organelles present in eukaryotic cells, as well as to prepare certain sub-fractions of organelles (chapters 2-22). In all cases, the samples are aimed to be analyzed by a mass spectrometry technique. While an exhaustive list of chapters covering all the proteomic analyses of organelles and organelle fractions was not conceivable, we nevertheless wanted to provide analysis examples reflecting the trend toward more specific purifications of organelle sub-fractions, which will allow reaching the more comprehensive and accurate characterization of the organelle. Most of the chapters cover the whole analytical procedure of organelle characterization, from its purification starting with whole cells up to protein identification using mass spectrometry. In some cases, the chapter may provide a detailed de@@@@@@ion of the purification process wherein less classical techniques appear which are implemented by a minority of laboratories (e.g. free flow electrophoresis). Second, however optimized the organelle purification protocol and skilled the operator the sample of interest will never consist of the pure targeted organelle. Therefore, among the proteins identified, one has to separate the true from the intruders. The actual sub-cellular localization of some individual proteins newly attributed to the studied organelle can be evaluated by orthogonal assays, such as microscopy, by expressing the GFP-tagged version of the protein candidates. Yet this approach is labor-intensive and is usually restricted to a few selected proteins. We devoted the second section of this book to methods enabling a global estimate of the reliability of the protein list assigned to an organelle. An average ratio of proteins wrongly attributed to the organelle of interest is provided by assessing sample purity (chapter 23). In order to determine whether every identified protein is an actual component of the purified organelle quantitative mass spectrometry methods can be employed (chapters 24-26). In chapter 26, Dr. Wei Yan et al. more specifically demonstrate the utility of quantitative approaches to scrutinize protein shuttling between organelles. The examples presented of quantitative mass spectrometry analysis of organelle fractions use a few commercially available isotope-tagged reagents, but many other chemicals, either commercial or prepared in-house, can be utilized. A larger variety of the existing polypeptide labeling strategies can be found in another volume of this series entitled Quantitative Proteomics, edited by Dr. Salvatore Sechi. Finally, the last chapter of this book, by Dr. Wallace F. Marshall, addresses the use of tran@@@@@@omic data to identify genes potentially encoding organelle proteomes.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Organelle Proteomics
Human genome sequencing has identified about 25000 genes, most being of unknown function. Localization of the final gene products, i.e. the proteins, in a specific organelle is a key to decipher the proteins roles within the cell. Over the past twenty years, proteomic analyses have progressively proved to be an invaluable tool to obtain high-throughput protein identification from low-abundance, complex biological samples. These analyses boomed thanks to dramatic technological progresses in mass spectrometry instrumentation, optimization of its coupling to capillary liquid chromatography and the development of software enabling processing of the vast amount of generated data. In the context of organelle study, such analyses have allowed greater depth in the characterization of the proteins constitutive of, or transiently present in, these large functional modules.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Organelle Proteomics
By Delphine Pflieger, Jean Rossier

Publisher: Humana Press
Number Of Pages: 440
Publication Date: 2008-02-19
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1588297799
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781588297792
Binding: Hardcover
This book starts with a chapter by Dr. Edwin Romijn and Prof. John R. Yates III, who introduce the different analytical strategies developed and successfully utilized to study organelle proteomes, and detail the use of multidimensional liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for peptide sample analysis. This book is further composed of two main sections. First, detailed protocols are provided to perform the purification of the various organelles present in eukaryotic cells, as well as to prepare certain sub-fractions of organelles (chapters 2-22). In all cases, the samples are aimed to be analyzed by a mass spectrometry technique. While an exhaustive list of chapters covering all the proteomic analyses of organelles and organelle fractions was not conceivable, we nevertheless wanted to provide analysis examples reflecting the trend toward more specific purifications of organelle sub-fractions, which will allow reaching the more comprehensive and accurate characterization of the organelle. Most of the chapters cover the whole analytical procedure of organelle characterization, from its purification starting with whole cells up to protein identification using mass spectrometry. In some cases, the chapter may provide a detailed de@@@@@@ion of the purification process wherein less classical techniques appear which are implemented by a minority of laboratories (e.g. free flow electrophoresis). Second, however optimized the organelle purification protocol and skilled the operator the sample of interest will never consist of the pure targeted organelle. Therefore, among the proteins identified, one has to separate the true from the intruders. The actual sub-cellular localization of some individual proteins newly attributed to the studied organelle can be evaluated by orthogonal assays, such as microscopy, by expressing the GFP-tagged version of the protein candidates. Yet this approach is labor-intensive and is usually restricted to a few selected proteins. We devoted the second section of this book to methods enabling a global estimate of the reliability of the protein list assigned to an organelle. An average ratio of proteins wrongly attributed to the organelle of interest is provided by assessing sample purity (chapter 23). In order to determine whether every identified protein is an actual component of the purified organelle quantitative mass spectrometry methods can be employed (chapters 24-26). In chapter 26, Dr. Wei Yan et al. more specifically demonstrate the utility of quantitative approaches to scrutinize protein shuttling between organelles. The examples presented of quantitative mass spectrometry analysis of organelle fractions use a few commercially available isotope-tagged reagents, but many other chemicals, either commercial or prepared in-house, can be utilized. A larger variety of the existing polypeptide labeling strategies can be found in another volume of this series entitled Quantitative Proteomics, edited by Dr. Salvatore Sechi. Finally, the last chapter of this book, by Dr. Wallace F. Marshall, addresses the use of tran@@@@@@omic data to identify genes potentially encoding organelle proteomes.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Organelle Proteomics
Human genome sequencing has identified about 25000 genes, most being of unknown function. Localization of the final gene products, i.e. the proteins, in a specific organelle is a key to decipher the proteins roles within the cell. Over the past twenty years, proteomic analyses have progressively proved to be an invaluable tool to obtain high-throughput protein identification from low-abundance, complex biological samples. These analyses boomed thanks to dramatic technological progresses in mass spectrometry instrumentation, optimization of its coupling to capillary liquid chromatography and the development of software enabling processing of the vast amount of generated data. In the context of organelle study, such analyses have allowed greater depth in the characterization of the proteins constitutive of, or transiently present in, these large functional modules.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Organelle Proteomics
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sleep Medicine: A Guide To Sleep And Its Disorders
Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1405123931
ISBN-13: 978-1405123938
Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 7.6 x 0.9 inches Book Description :On average people spend one third of their life sleeping. An understanding of the physiology and pathophysiological changes that take place during this time is, therefore, essential to the medical care of patients. Sleep disorders can arise from a variety of causes including respiratory, psychiatric and neurological conditions, as well as pain and lifestyle changes. Consequently, their understanding is pertinent to a wide range of clinicians who require an overview of their diagnosis and treatment.
Written by one of the UK's leading authorities on sleep medicine, Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and its Disorders presents a practical guide to the clinical problems related to sleep disorders. An experienced author, John Shneerson writes concisely and presents the information in a most accessible way. The text is clearly organised and full use has been made of tables and line diagrams. Whilst the body of the text is clinical in approach, the scientific basis of sleep and sleep medicine and the technical aspects of sleep investigations are explained fully.
The book is divided into three sections. The first group of chapters considers the fundamentals of sleep, the effects of drugs on sleep and how to assess sleep complaints. The main body of the book consists of chapters on individual sleep disorders. Each of these has a structured approach, outlining both assessment and treatment. Insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, awareness during sleep and behavioural abnormalities are covered. The final chapters deal with the important respiratory consequences of upper airway dysfunction, changes in the control of breathing during sleep and the social implications of sleep problems.Sleep medicine is a fast developing discipline which interfaces with many of the medical specialties. Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and its Disorders enables doctors and other health professionals to access recent advances ensuring that their patients receive the optimum treatment for their sleep disorders.
Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1405123931
ISBN-13: 978-1405123938
Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 7.6 x 0.9 inches Book Description :On average people spend one third of their life sleeping. An understanding of the physiology and pathophysiological changes that take place during this time is, therefore, essential to the medical care of patients. Sleep disorders can arise from a variety of causes including respiratory, psychiatric and neurological conditions, as well as pain and lifestyle changes. Consequently, their understanding is pertinent to a wide range of clinicians who require an overview of their diagnosis and treatment.
Written by one of the UK's leading authorities on sleep medicine, Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and its Disorders presents a practical guide to the clinical problems related to sleep disorders. An experienced author, John Shneerson writes concisely and presents the information in a most accessible way. The text is clearly organised and full use has been made of tables and line diagrams. Whilst the body of the text is clinical in approach, the scientific basis of sleep and sleep medicine and the technical aspects of sleep investigations are explained fully.
The book is divided into three sections. The first group of chapters considers the fundamentals of sleep, the effects of drugs on sleep and how to assess sleep complaints. The main body of the book consists of chapters on individual sleep disorders. Each of these has a structured approach, outlining both assessment and treatment. Insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, awareness during sleep and behavioural abnormalities are covered. The final chapters deal with the important respiratory consequences of upper airway dysfunction, changes in the control of breathing during sleep and the social implications of sleep problems.Sleep medicine is a fast developing discipline which interfaces with many of the medical specialties. Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and its Disorders enables doctors and other health professionals to access recent advances ensuring that their patients receive the optimum treatment for their sleep disorders.

Encyclopedia of Body AdornmentBook
Description:All cultures everywhere have attempted to change their body in an attempt to meet their cultural standards of beauty, as well as their religious and or social obligations. In addition, people modify and adorn their bodies as part of the complex process of creating and re-creating their personal and social identities. Body painting has probably been practiced since the Paleolithic as archaeological evidence indicates, and the earliest human evidence of tattooing goes back to the Neolithic with mummies found in Europe, Central Asia, the Andes and the Middle East. Adornments such as jewelry have been found in the earliest human graves and bodies unearthed from five thousand years ago show signs of intentional head shaping. It is clear that adorning and modifying the body is a central human practice. Over 200 entries address the major adornments and modifications, their historical and cross-cultural locations, and the major cultural groups and places in which body modification has been central to social and cultural practices. This encyclopedia also includes background information on the some of the central figures involved in creating and popularizing tattooing, piercing, and other body modifications in the modern world. Finally, the book addresses some of the major theoretical issues surrounding the temporary and permanent modification of the body, the laws and customs regarding the marking of the body, and the social movements that have influenced or embraced body modification, and those which have been affected by it. Entries include, acupuncture, amputation, Auschwitz, P.T. Barnum, the Bible, body dysmorphic disorder, body piercing, branding, breast augmentation and reduction, Betty Broadbent, castration, Christianity, cross dressers, Dances Sacred and Profane, Egypt, female genital mutilation, foot binding, freak shows, genetic engineering, The Great Omi, Greco-Roman world, henna, infibulation, legislation & regulation, lip plates, medical tattooing, Meso-America, military tattoos, National Tattoo Association, nose piercing, obesity, permanent makeup, primitivism, prison tattooing, punk, rites of passage, scalpelling, silicone injections, Stalking Cat, suspensions, tanning, tattoo reality shows, tattooing, Thailand, transgender, tribalism.
The Encyclopedia of Complementary and Alternative 

MedicineThere are many books on alternative medicine, but not many can be considered quick reference guides. This encyclopedia has 400 entries covering terms, organizations, and personalities related to the field.Entries vary in length from one-sentence definitions to multipage essays. The shorter entries can be frustrating, and some of the longer ones, less than complete. One example is the entry Bates Method for improving eyesight. There is a brief explanation of the relaxation system and of Bates' credentials but no description of the exercises. Some entries on individuals give little or no information about their relevance to the field of alternative or complementary medicine.On the other hand, the Yoga article provides in-depth coverage of the discipline, giving a brief history, the basic principles involved, and descriptions of the 26 branches of yoga. Another article that would have benefited from the same treatment is ayurveda. A description is given, but there are no cross-references to related entries (Chakra, Doshas) that provide additional details. The lack of illustrations is limiting; even line drawings of things like acupuncture pressure points would have added value to the book. The appendixes include a list of professional and lay organizations, a list of herbs used in herbal treatments, and a time line of alternative and complementary medical history.Free Medical eBooks link :Download
How to Develop a Perfect Memory

Dominic O'Brien won the title of World Memory Champion two years in a row, and also holds two Guinness records for memory. How does he do it? In this book, Dominic reveals his system and explains how it can help readers to remember names, faces, telephone numbers, learn languages and pass exams.This book has got to be in Memorymentor's opinion, one of the best memory improvement books around. From the start the book bets you hooked, using every day examples like shopping lists to show how easy it is to use the memory techniques in this book.As you work your way through the book you will learn techniques for mastering school work, memorising for interviews, how to use your memory for a diary, memorise decks of cards and learn foreign languages in a matter of weeks! With a little bit of effort you will be reciting poems, speeches and 100's of digits of Pi with ease!
Type 1 Diabetes For DummiesType 1 Diabetes 

For Dummies (For Dummies: Health & Fitness) Publisher: For Dummies 2008-02-05 360 pages ISBN: 0470178116 10.4 MB Rapidshare&MegauploadThe latest on blood glucose monitoring and insulin deliveryYour friendly guide to taking control of type 1 diabetes and living wellDo you have type 1 diabetes — or have a child who does? This plain-English,reassuring guide helps you understand and manage the disease, with tips on working with your doctor, administering insulin, developing a diet and exercise plan, and coping with illness and travel. You'll know just what to do so you or your child can stay healthy and feel good!Discover how to:Overcome short-term complicationsEat a diabetes-friendly dietHandle school, work, and other activitiesHelp your child maintain a high quality of lifePrevent long-term complications
Thursday, May 21, 2009
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material DENTAL DECKS.....RADIOLOGY

????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material DENTAL DECKS.....RADIOLOGY

Tyldesley's Oral Medicine (Oxford Medical Publications)
Author: Anne Field / Lesley Longman / William R. Tyldesley
pages: 256 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0192631470
Firmly established as the textbook of choice on the subject, Tyldesley's Oral Medicine is unique in its comprehensive coverage at a level suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate dental students and practitioners. Highly illustrated in full colour, the new edition covers the principles, investigation and management of oral mucosal disease, salivary gland dysfunction and orofacial pain. The oral manifestations of systemic disease are described together with the recognition and management of medical emergencies in dentistry. The fifth edition has undergone major revisions in terms of content, layout and style bringing the book in line with the changing dental curriculum. Case studies demonstrating oral medicine conditions have been introduced with a discussion of their differential diagnosis and management options. A number of projects have also been added with the purpose of encouraging students to consult other reference sources and to promote self-directed learning, discussion and debate. Specialist advisers for this new edition have ensured that the book will provide readers at all levels with an accurate reflection of current ideas in this rapidly developing area of clinical practice. From a fifth year dental student reviewer: "I was very impressed. I like the idea of having the "problem cases", which is a good talking point and ideal for new developments in teaching, such as Problem Based Learning. I was very pleased with its educational value. It's style is not too complex, but challenges the reader."

Author: Anne Field / Lesley Longman / William R. Tyldesley
pages: 256 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0192631470
Firmly established as the textbook of choice on the subject, Tyldesley's Oral Medicine is unique in its comprehensive coverage at a level suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate dental students and practitioners. Highly illustrated in full colour, the new edition covers the principles, investigation and management of oral mucosal disease, salivary gland dysfunction and orofacial pain. The oral manifestations of systemic disease are described together with the recognition and management of medical emergencies in dentistry. The fifth edition has undergone major revisions in terms of content, layout and style bringing the book in line with the changing dental curriculum. Case studies demonstrating oral medicine conditions have been introduced with a discussion of their differential diagnosis and management options. A number of projects have also been added with the purpose of encouraging students to consult other reference sources and to promote self-directed learning, discussion and debate. Specialist advisers for this new edition have ensured that the book will provide readers at all levels with an accurate reflection of current ideas in this rapidly developing area of clinical practice. From a fifth year dental student reviewer: "I was very impressed. I like the idea of having the "problem cases", which is a good talking point and ideal for new developments in teaching, such as Problem Based Learning. I was very pleased with its educational value. It's style is not too complex, but challenges the reader."
Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation by Stuart C. White (Author), Michael J. Pharoah (Author)
Product Details
* * * Hardcover: 784 pages
* * * Publisher: Mosby; 6 edition (September 29, 2008)
* * * Language: English
* * * ISBN-10: 0323049834
* * * ISBN-13: 978-0323049832
Product Description
With more than 1,000 high-quality radiographs and illustrations, this bestselling book visually demonstrates the basic principles of oral and maxillofacial radiology as well as effective clinical application. Youll be able to diagnose and treat patients effectively with the coverage of imaging techniques, including specialized techniques such as MRI and CT, and the comprehensive discussion of the radiographic interpretation of pathology. The book also covers radiation physics, radiation biology, and radiation safety and protection helping you provide state-of-the-art care!
* * * A consistent format makes it easy to follow and comprehend clinical material on each pathologic condition, including a definition, synonyms, clinical features, radiographic features, differential diagnosis, and management/treatment.
* * * Updated photos show new equipment and radiographs in the areas of intraoral radiographs, normal radiographic anatomy, panoramic imaging, and advanced imaging.
* * * Updated Digital Imaging chapter expands coverage of PSP plates and its use in cephalometric and panoramic imaging, examining the larger latitudes of photostimulable phosphor receptors and their linear response to the five orders of magnitude of x-ray exposure.
* * * Updated Guidelines for Prescribing Dental Radiographs chapter includes the latest ADA guidelines, and also discusses the European Guidelines.
* * * Updated information on radiographic manifestations of diseases in the orofacial region includes the latest data on etiology and diagnosis, with an emphasis on advanced imaging.
* * * Expert contributors include many authors with worldwide reputations.
* * * Cone Beam Computed Tomography chapter covers machines, the imaging process, and typical clinical applications of cone-beam imaging, with examples of examinations made from scans.
* * * Evolve website adds more coverage of cases, with more examples of specific issues
Product Details
* * * Hardcover: 784 pages
* * * Publisher: Mosby; 6 edition (September 29, 2008)
* * * Language: English
* * * ISBN-10: 0323049834
* * * ISBN-13: 978-0323049832
Product Description
With more than 1,000 high-quality radiographs and illustrations, this bestselling book visually demonstrates the basic principles of oral and maxillofacial radiology as well as effective clinical application. Youll be able to diagnose and treat patients effectively with the coverage of imaging techniques, including specialized techniques such as MRI and CT, and the comprehensive discussion of the radiographic interpretation of pathology. The book also covers radiation physics, radiation biology, and radiation safety and protection helping you provide state-of-the-art care!
* * * A consistent format makes it easy to follow and comprehend clinical material on each pathologic condition, including a definition, synonyms, clinical features, radiographic features, differential diagnosis, and management/treatment.
* * * Updated photos show new equipment and radiographs in the areas of intraoral radiographs, normal radiographic anatomy, panoramic imaging, and advanced imaging.
* * * Updated Digital Imaging chapter expands coverage of PSP plates and its use in cephalometric and panoramic imaging, examining the larger latitudes of photostimulable phosphor receptors and their linear response to the five orders of magnitude of x-ray exposure.
* * * Updated Guidelines for Prescribing Dental Radiographs chapter includes the latest ADA guidelines, and also discusses the European Guidelines.
* * * Updated information on radiographic manifestations of diseases in the orofacial region includes the latest data on etiology and diagnosis, with an emphasis on advanced imaging.
* * * Expert contributors include many authors with worldwide reputations.
* * * Cone Beam Computed Tomography chapter covers machines, the imaging process, and typical clinical applications of cone-beam imaging, with examples of examinations made from scans.
* * * Evolve website adds more coverage of cases, with more examples of specific issues
By Sol Silverman, L. Roy Eversole, Edmond L. Truelove
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Essentials of Oral Medicine
Publisher: BC Decker Inc.
Number Of Pages: 381
Publication Date: 2001-10-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1550091468
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781550091465
Binding: Paperback
Product Description:
This work is a classic textbook in the tradition of Cecil's Essentials. The book is prepared to simplify patient evaluation and treatment, improve patient care, and prevent complications. Organized into five sections, the text describes and illustrates a large number of oral diseases and conditions including pathologic and molecular correlates. It is designed to enable both students and practitioners to attain a final diagnosis and initiate the appropriate treatments.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Essentials of Oral Medicine
Publisher: BC Decker Inc.
Number Of Pages: 381
Publication Date: 2001-10-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1550091468
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781550091465
Binding: Paperback
Product Description:
This work is a classic textbook in the tradition of Cecil's Essentials. The book is prepared to simplify patient evaluation and treatment, improve patient care, and prevent complications. Organized into five sections, the text describes and illustrates a large number of oral diseases and conditions including pathologic and molecular correlates. It is designed to enable both students and practitioners to attain a final diagnosis and initiate the appropriate treatments.
Radiology (Color Atlas of Dental Medicine, Vol 5) By Friedrich Pasler, Thomas Hassell
- Publisher: Georg Thieme Verlag
- Number Of Pages: 276
- Publication Date: 1993-01-01
- ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0865774609
- ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780865774605
- Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
Today, for patients of any age, a "panoramic" radiograph that allows high diagnostic reliability with minimum radiation exposure must be acknowledged as the standard of care. The new, more medically and legally "responsible" strategy for examination of patients is closely intertwined with a basic principle of patient care. Panoramic radiograph is rapidly becoming a meaningful and normal component of dental practice-oriented "prevention". This Atlas presents the proper use of optimum radiographic exposure and contemporary techniques for today's dental office. Emphasis is placed on the reliable recognition of normal structures in the projected space and clear differentiation of normal features from pathological radiographic signs. These major topics of fundamental importance for correct interpretation are treated more extensively. The section on diagnosis deals in depth with the typical radiographic manifestations of frequently occurring pathological processes. Inherent in that section of the book is the basic understanding that the radiopathologic manifestation of one and the same lesion may vary considerably depending on the patient's age and sex, on the phase of development of the lesion at the time of documentation, on the localization within different surrounding structures, and according to actual histologic features of the lesion.
Dental Radiography Principles and Techniques CD-ROM by Dr. Mowaffak Hetteni

Windows ®
Windows 2000, or XP
450* MHz Intel Pentium II processor or greater
64 MB or more of installed RAM
70 MB free hard disk space
2X or faster CD-ROM drive
800 x 600 monitor or larger
True Color display recommended
* Performance may be sluggish with processor speeds below 750 MHz.
1. Start Microsoft Windows and insert the CD-ROM.
2. Click the Start button from the Taskbar and select the Run option.
3. Type d:setup.exe (where “d:†is your CD-ROM drive) and press Enter.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions for installation.

Windows ®
Windows 2000, or XP
450* MHz Intel Pentium II processor or greater
64 MB or more of installed RAM
70 MB free hard disk space
2X or faster CD-ROM drive
800 x 600 monitor or larger
True Color display recommended
* Performance may be sluggish with processor speeds below 750 MHz.
1. Start Microsoft Windows and insert the CD-ROM.
2. Click the Start button from the Taskbar and select the Run option.
3. Type d:setup.exe (where “d:†is your CD-ROM drive) and press Enter.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions for installation.
How does MRI work?: An Introduction to the Physics and Function of Magnetic Resonance Imaging By Dominik Weishaupt, Victor D. Koechli, Borut Marincek

* * * Publisher:* Springer
* * * Number Of Pages:* 170
* * * Publication Date:* 2008-03-11
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 3540300678
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9783540300670
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Product Description:
This thoroughly revised second edition succinctly introduces the physics and function of magnetic resonance imaging. All important and clinically relevant aspects are presented in a clearly structured manner. The emphasis is on practical information including the latest trends and developments that are relevant for MRI in the clinical setting. The opening chapters describe the underlying physical principles of the MR experiment and the basic pulse sequences commonly used in clinical MRI. Other chapters are dedicated to more advanced techniques such as parallel imaging and cardiovascular MR imaging. The book is rounded out by chapters on MR contrast media, artifacts, high-field imaging, and safety concerns. An extensive glossary offers rapid access to the most important MRI terminology. The book is intended for readers looking for an easy to understand and concise introduction to this fascinating yet somewhat complex imaging modality at the beginning of their MRI training.
* * * Publisher:* Springer
* * * Number Of Pages:* 170
* * * Publication Date:* 2008-03-11
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 3540300678
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9783540300670
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Product Description:
This thoroughly revised second edition succinctly introduces the physics and function of magnetic resonance imaging. All important and clinically relevant aspects are presented in a clearly structured manner. The emphasis is on practical information including the latest trends and developments that are relevant for MRI in the clinical setting. The opening chapters describe the underlying physical principles of the MR experiment and the basic pulse sequences commonly used in clinical MRI. Other chapters are dedicated to more advanced techniques such as parallel imaging and cardiovascular MR imaging. The book is rounded out by chapters on MR contrast media, artifacts, high-field imaging, and safety concerns. An extensive glossary offers rapid access to the most important MRI terminology. The book is intended for readers looking for an easy to understand and concise introduction to this fascinating yet somewhat complex imaging modality at the beginning of their MRI training.
Oral medicine — Update for the Dental Practitioner Author: C. Scully and D. H. Felix
by British Dental Journal

Product Details
pages: 63 pages
Publisher: © British Dental Journal 2005-2006
Format: United single PDF with Chapter Bookmarks
Size: 2.38 MB
It's a collection of articles dedicated to Oral Medicine by prof. Scully & Felix.
1.Oral Medicine - Update for the dental practitioner Part 1. Aphthous and other common ulcers
The first part of a new series providing an overview of the current thinking in oral medicine for primary care practitioners.
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages 259-264
2.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner: Mouth ulcers of more serious connotation
Discusses how disorders of the blood, infections, gastrointestinal disease and skin diseases may cause mouth ulceration.
C. Scully, D. H. Felix
Pages 339-343
3.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner. Dry mouth and disorders of salivation
The third part of the series looks at xerostomia, Sjogren’s syndrome and sialorrhoea
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages 423-427
4.Oral Medicine - Update for the dental practitioner. Oral Malodour
Discusses the main causes for oral malodour and also the links between malodour and cancer and some systemic and psychogenic diseases.
C. Scully, D. H. Felix
Pages 501-503
5.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Oral white patches
Explains how cancer and some systemic diseases such as lichen planus may present as white lesions.
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages 565-572
6.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Red and pigmented lesions
Describes how malignant and systemic disease can present in hyperpigmented lesions.
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages* 639-645
7. Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Disorders of orofacial sensation and movement
8.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Lumps and swellings
9.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Oral cancer
Discusses the most common malignant epithelial neoplasm affecting the mouth, more than 90% of which is oral squamous cell carcinoma.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Oral medicine — Update for the Dental Practitioner Author: C. Scully and D. H. F
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages 13-17
by British Dental Journal

Product Details
pages: 63 pages
Publisher: © British Dental Journal 2005-2006
Format: United single PDF with Chapter Bookmarks
Size: 2.38 MB
It's a collection of articles dedicated to Oral Medicine by prof. Scully & Felix.
1.Oral Medicine - Update for the dental practitioner Part 1. Aphthous and other common ulcers
The first part of a new series providing an overview of the current thinking in oral medicine for primary care practitioners.
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages 259-264
2.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner: Mouth ulcers of more serious connotation
Discusses how disorders of the blood, infections, gastrointestinal disease and skin diseases may cause mouth ulceration.
C. Scully, D. H. Felix
Pages 339-343
3.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner. Dry mouth and disorders of salivation
The third part of the series looks at xerostomia, Sjogren’s syndrome and sialorrhoea
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages 423-427
4.Oral Medicine - Update for the dental practitioner. Oral Malodour
Discusses the main causes for oral malodour and also the links between malodour and cancer and some systemic and psychogenic diseases.
C. Scully, D. H. Felix
Pages 501-503
5.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Oral white patches
Explains how cancer and some systemic diseases such as lichen planus may present as white lesions.
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages 565-572
6.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Red and pigmented lesions
Describes how malignant and systemic disease can present in hyperpigmented lesions.
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages* 639-645
7. Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Disorders of orofacial sensation and movement
8.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Lumps and swellings
9.Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner Oral cancer
Discusses the most common malignant epithelial neoplasm affecting the mouth, more than 90% of which is oral squamous cell carcinoma.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Oral medicine — Update for the Dental Practitioner Author: C. Scully and D. H. F
C. Scully and D. H. Felix
Pages 13-17
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Complementary and Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine: Clinical Handbook

Product Description
Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City. Summarizes the facts about complementary cardiovascular medications. Explains the background for each alternative therapy, its rationale, the evidence supporting its use, and possible interaction with standard medicines. Discusses herbs, supplements, and more. DNLM: Cardiovascular Diseases--therapy.
Product Details
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Complementary and Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine: Clinical Handbook
"The authors surpass their goals by providing a comprehensive, diverse, easy to read resource for practicing healthcare providers who must advance their knowledge of alternative and complementary therapies to match a growing, demanding, and resourceful population of patients."-Doody's Health Sciences Book Review Journal
"...a very exciting book for the reader...a welcomed addition to the library of most clinician providing primary care for those patients with CVD." - Journal of Nurtition for the Elderly

Product Description
Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City. Summarizes the facts about complementary cardiovascular medications. Explains the background for each alternative therapy, its rationale, the evidence supporting its use, and possible interaction with standard medicines. Discusses herbs, supplements, and more. DNLM: Cardiovascular Diseases--therapy.
Product Details
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Complementary and Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine: Clinical Handbook
- Hardcover: 304 pages
- Publisher: Humana Press; 1 edition (March 5, 2004)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1588291863
- ISBN-13: 978-1588291868
"The authors surpass their goals by providing a comprehensive, diverse, easy to read resource for practicing healthcare providers who must advance their knowledge of alternative and complementary therapies to match a growing, demanding, and resourceful population of patients."-Doody's Health Sciences Book Review Journal
"...a very exciting book for the reader...a welcomed addition to the library of most clinician providing primary care for those patients with CVD." - Journal of Nurtition for the Elderly
Complementary Therapies in Neurology: An Evidence-Based Approach

…an excellent resource for those practitioners in the neurologic sciences and a great asset to budding researchers. It gives up-to-date evidence with each chapter acting as a state of the science for practice.
-Doody's Review
…an excellent resource for those practitioners in the neurologic sciences and a great asset to budding researchers. It gives up-to-date evidence with each chapter acting as a state of the science for practice.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Complementary Therapies in Neurology: An Evidence-Based Approach
-Doodys Review
Product Description
Drawing upon the knowledge of expert contributors, this book provides an introduction to what CAM therapies are and how a neurologist may use them. Divided into two sections, it reviews the different kinds of therapies encompassed by the terms 'alternative' and 'complementary' and gives readers an overview of commonly used therapies that have some scientific basis for their use. The second section is an evidence-based review of the clinical applications of these therapies organized by neurological disease. Written by physicians for physicians, this book is the first choice for information on alternative and complementary therapies in clinical neurology.
Product Details

…an excellent resource for those practitioners in the neurologic sciences and a great asset to budding researchers. It gives up-to-date evidence with each chapter acting as a state of the science for practice.
-Doody's Review
…an excellent resource for those practitioners in the neurologic sciences and a great asset to budding researchers. It gives up-to-date evidence with each chapter acting as a state of the science for practice.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Complementary Therapies in Neurology: An Evidence-Based Approach
-Doodys Review
Product Description
Drawing upon the knowledge of expert contributors, this book provides an introduction to what CAM therapies are and how a neurologist may use them. Divided into two sections, it reviews the different kinds of therapies encompassed by the terms 'alternative' and 'complementary' and gives readers an overview of commonly used therapies that have some scientific basis for their use. The second section is an evidence-based review of the clinical applications of these therapies organized by neurological disease. Written by physicians for physicians, this book is the first choice for information on alternative and complementary therapies in clinical neurology.
Product Details
- Hardcover: 458 pages
- Publisher: Informa HealthCare; 1 edition (December 2, 2003)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1842142003
- ISBN-13: 978-1842142004
Be Your Own Doctor with Foot Reflexology by: Dr. Dhiren Gala, Dr D.R. Gala, Dr. Sanjay Gala en
File size: 16.25 MB
TABLE OF CONTENTS: File size: 16.25 MB
Part I: Introduction
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Be Your Own Doctor with Foot Reflexology by: Dr. Dhiren Gala, Dr D.R. Gala, Dr. Sanjay Gala en
2.The Zone Theory
3.What Happens After Pressure Treatment and Why?
4.Answers to Some Questions People Commonly Ask
5.Practical Hints for Treatment
Part II: Reflex Zone Therapy
6.Reflexology in Painful Disorders
Problems of The Neck
Problems of the Back (spine)
Problems of The Shoulder
Problems of The Elbow
Problems of The Hip Joint
Problems of The Knee Joint
7.Reflexology in Disorders of The Respiratory System
Problems of The Nose
Problems of The Larynx
Problems of The Lungs
8.Reflexology in Disorders of The Digestive System
Problems of The Mouth
Problems of The Throat
Problems of The Stomach
Problems of The Intestines
Problems of The Appendix
Problems of The Liver
Problems of The Bladder
Problems of The Anus
9.Reflexology in Disorders of The Cardio-Vascular System
Problems of The Heart
High Blood Pressure; Low Blood Pressure
10.Reflexology in Disorders of The Excretory System
Problems of The Kidneys
Problems of The Urinary Bladder And The Urethra
11.Reflexology in Disorders of The Reproductive System
Problems of Men
Problems of Women
Menstrual disorders; Leucorrhoea
Morning Sickness (Vomiting During Pregnancy)
For Easy Delivery
Problems of The Breasts
12.Reflexology in Disorders of The Endocrine System
Problems of The Pituitary Gland
Disorders of The Thyroid Gland
Problems of The Pancreas
13.Reflexology In Disorders Of The Sense Organs
Problems of The Eyes
Problems of The Ear
Problems of The Skin
14.Reflexology in Some Other Common Disorders
Problems of The Mind
Problems of The Hair
Giddiness (Vertigo)
15.General Debility/Chronic Fatigue
16.Reflexology for Preventing Illness and Maintaining Peak Health
Appendix: Suggestions for Therapists
Homeopathy Pro is a professional computer program for those who practice classical homeopathy.

Homeopathy Pro combines the advantages of time-proved case taking methods with advanced features of up-to-the-minute software.
In other words, now you can work EXACTLY as old masters did - only much faster and without any paperwork!
>> Take case notes in a friendly, convenient environment.
>> Enjoy most natural repertory search.
>> Get correct results from repertorization books by recognized authors.
>> Read various Medica sources to feel confident about your prescription.
>> Save time and preserve quality of your work.
Features of Homeopathy Pro
Can you find the needed repertory rubric in a blink without even knowing it's there? Or, view all remedy symptoms without searching through dozens of Materia Medica volumes? Or, have all case history at your fingertips in a single convenient case file?
You surely can, now that you have a copy of Homeopathy Pro.
The software we are offering is a universal information center for a classical homeopath, homeopathic student or even a layman who helps his friends and family to overcome acute conditions. The key thing about Homeopathy Pro is its focus on the patient and symptoms of the case, the totality that leads you to successful prescription.
Our mission is to provide you with a professional, inhouse, all-in-one solution. Homeopathy Pro can boast of unique case management system, classical symptom-rubric arrangement, innovative appearance of repertorization table and infinite tweaking abilities. Feeling unsure about your current case? Just take it with the help of Homeopathy Pro and see whether you end up with something astonishingly correct.
With our program, you can instantly change the number of rubrics included into repertorization, play with the weight of small rubrics, perform sophisticated repertory search and find the necessary Materia Medica article in a mouse click.
Homeopathy Pro offers you two types of repertorization techniques:
Boenninghausen's method. 125 remedies proved and described by Hahnemann. 3000 general rubrics that can be combined into an infinite number of symptoms. Use this approach to make a purely classical homeopathic prescription.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Homeopathy Pro v1.0.0 Build 51010
Kent's method. 650 remedies including the small ones introduced by this great homeopathic artist. 68000 symptoms that cover all aspects of human body and mind. Use it to find rare, peculiar and uncommon symptoms for an artistic prescription advocated by Kent and his followers.
For your convenience, we equipped the program with Materia Medica by Boger and Boericke; the former goes well with Boenninghausen's repertory while the latter is ideal for Kent's. What's more, both these repertories can be turned into Materia Medica with a click of the mouse, giving you the most detailed set of symptoms available from classical authors.
And, last but not least: we are providing our users with fastest and most professional free lifetime support. Should you have a problem with the program or just want to clear up a function or technique, we're here to help.
Now, feel free to browse our site to find any information you might be interested in. We suggest that you should begin with our Help Center that will give a detailed explanation on what can be done with the help of Homeopathy Pro.

Homeopathy Pro combines the advantages of time-proved case taking methods with advanced features of up-to-the-minute software.
In other words, now you can work EXACTLY as old masters did - only much faster and without any paperwork!
>> Take case notes in a friendly, convenient environment.
>> Enjoy most natural repertory search.
>> Get correct results from repertorization books by recognized authors.
>> Read various Medica sources to feel confident about your prescription.
>> Save time and preserve quality of your work.
Features of Homeopathy Pro
Can you find the needed repertory rubric in a blink without even knowing it's there? Or, view all remedy symptoms without searching through dozens of Materia Medica volumes? Or, have all case history at your fingertips in a single convenient case file?
You surely can, now that you have a copy of Homeopathy Pro.
The software we are offering is a universal information center for a classical homeopath, homeopathic student or even a layman who helps his friends and family to overcome acute conditions. The key thing about Homeopathy Pro is its focus on the patient and symptoms of the case, the totality that leads you to successful prescription.
Our mission is to provide you with a professional, inhouse, all-in-one solution. Homeopathy Pro can boast of unique case management system, classical symptom-rubric arrangement, innovative appearance of repertorization table and infinite tweaking abilities. Feeling unsure about your current case? Just take it with the help of Homeopathy Pro and see whether you end up with something astonishingly correct.
With our program, you can instantly change the number of rubrics included into repertorization, play with the weight of small rubrics, perform sophisticated repertory search and find the necessary Materia Medica article in a mouse click.
Homeopathy Pro offers you two types of repertorization techniques:
Boenninghausen's method. 125 remedies proved and described by Hahnemann. 3000 general rubrics that can be combined into an infinite number of symptoms. Use this approach to make a purely classical homeopathic prescription.
????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Homeopathy Pro v1.0.0 Build 51010
Kent's method. 650 remedies including the small ones introduced by this great homeopathic artist. 68000 symptoms that cover all aspects of human body and mind. Use it to find rare, peculiar and uncommon symptoms for an artistic prescription advocated by Kent and his followers.
For your convenience, we equipped the program with Materia Medica by Boger and Boericke; the former goes well with Boenninghausen's repertory while the latter is ideal for Kent's. What's more, both these repertories can be turned into Materia Medica with a click of the mouse, giving you the most detailed set of symptoms available from classical authors.
And, last but not least: we are providing our users with fastest and most professional free lifetime support. Should you have a problem with the program or just want to clear up a function or technique, we're here to help.
Now, feel free to browse our site to find any information you might be interested in. We suggest that you should begin with our Help Center that will give a detailed explanation on what can be done with the help of Homeopathy Pro.
Radar 9.0 - Homeopathy Medical Medicine software
RADAR set the standard for homeopathy software, and now the best is even better. The arrival of RADAR 9 brings major new features and a host of streamlined advances that take homeoapthic software to a new level of excellence!
New Repertories
The foundation of RADAR 9 is the new Synthesis 9 database. It's one of 20 new repertory databases you can access with the program - along with the highly respected Complete Millennium and Complete Universale. And now you have the ability to search through all Repertories simultaneously.
This means, for the first time ever you can combine vital information from Synthesis and The Complete. Already homeopaths who have been testing the beta versions in their practice are reporting increased success through using these two repertories together - solving cases that they weren't able to before.
Outstanding Usability
With RADAR 9, you can now find synonymous or related rubrics directly from the repertorization chart. In fact, the whole program has gone through a dramatic usability enhancement.
Operations that required several screens in previous versions are now available to you from just one place, with a single click. You can even get immediate tool tip help with a simple touch of your mouse.
RADAR set the standard for homeopathy software, and now the best is even better. The arrival of RADAR 9 brings major new features and a host of streamlined advances that take homeoapthic software to a new level of excellence!
New Repertories
The foundation of RADAR 9 is the new Synthesis 9 database. It's one of 20 new repertory databases you can access with the program - along with the highly respected Complete Millennium and Complete Universale. And now you have the ability to search through all Repertories simultaneously.
This means, for the first time ever you can combine vital information from Synthesis and The Complete. Already homeopaths who have been testing the beta versions in their practice are reporting increased success through using these two repertories together - solving cases that they weren't able to before.
Outstanding Usability
With RADAR 9, you can now find synonymous or related rubrics directly from the repertorization chart. In fact, the whole program has gone through a dramatic usability enhancement.
Operations that required several screens in previous versions are now available to you from just one place, with a single click. You can even get immediate tool tip help with a simple touch of your mouse.
Hompath Classic 8th version
Archives, classic, Homutil will work
Install Hompath first and then open the CD by right click
There is another set up file named crack in the CD, install it in the exact location where u installed Hompath it will be replacing those 3 icons that I mentioned.
Those replaced icons will work others wont.* If icons in desktop is not working find the replaced new icons from folder in which u installed Hompath and send them to desktop.
Please inform if facing any problem.
image CD.
Archives, classic, Homutil will work
Install Hompath first and then open the CD by right click
There is another set up file named crack in the CD, install it in the exact location where u installed Hompath it will be replacing those 3 icons that I mentioned.
Those replaced icons will work others wont.* If icons in desktop is not working find the replaced new icons from folder in which u installed Hompath and send them to desktop.
Please inform if facing any problem.
image CD.
Home Chiropractic Video
The course showing the family how to apply chiropractic in your home. With Dr. Holmquist's 100 minute Video you'll see how easy Home Chiropractic can be.
The purpose of this and Video
Chiropractic Philosophy, Science, and Art Explained.
Basic Anatomy of the Spine.
Getting Acquainted with Feeling the Spine.
Spinal Correcting Techniques Applied
Build Your Own Family Correcting Table.
Family Maintenance Correcting
When to see a Professional Chiropractor and How to Chose One.
The Educated Mind, The Innate Mind and The Life Principal of Chiropractic.
Four Essential Body Requirements and The Effect of Positive or Negative Emotions.

The course showing the family how to apply chiropractic in your home. With Dr. Holmquist's 100 minute Video you'll see how easy Home Chiropractic can be.
The purpose of this and Video
Chiropractic Philosophy, Science, and Art Explained.
Basic Anatomy of the Spine.
Getting Acquainted with Feeling the Spine.
Spinal Correcting Techniques Applied
Build Your Own Family Correcting Table.
Family Maintenance Correcting
When to see a Professional Chiropractor and How to Chose One.
The Educated Mind, The Innate Mind and The Life Principal of Chiropractic.
Four Essential Body Requirements and The Effect of Positive or Negative Emotions.
Books by John Henry Clarke & Henry Clay ALLEN nosodes
1) The Prescriber
John Henry Clarke
PDB 873kb (Exclusive in studytemple)
2) A Dictionary of practical Materia Medica
Pdb 5.88 MB
By John Henry Clarke M.D.
3) Cholera, Diarrhoea And Dysentery : Homoeopathic Prevention And Cure.
PDF 512 KB
By J.H. Clarke M.D.
With especial reference to
The Three Constitutions of Dr Von Grauvogl.
by John H. Clarke PDF 824 KB
PDF 1.6 MB
By John Henry Clarke, M. D.
6) According to Dr John Henry CLARKE
The Plant Nosodes
PDF 102 kb
7) According to Dr John Henry CLARKE.
The Animal Nosodes
PDF 515kb
8) According to Dr John Henry CLARKE.
PDF 627 kb
according to Dr John Henry CLARKE. 7okb pdf
10) The Materia Medica of the Nosodes.
By Henry Clay ALLEN, M. D.
Materia Medica of the Nosodes (Only Key-Notes). PDF 573 KB
10 books 1 link 9.85 MB
1) The Prescriber
John Henry Clarke
PDB 873kb (Exclusive in studytemple)
2) A Dictionary of practical Materia Medica
Pdb 5.88 MB
By John Henry Clarke M.D.
3) Cholera, Diarrhoea And Dysentery : Homoeopathic Prevention And Cure.
PDF 512 KB
By J.H. Clarke M.D.
With especial reference to
The Three Constitutions of Dr Von Grauvogl.
by John H. Clarke PDF 824 KB
PDF 1.6 MB
By John Henry Clarke, M. D.
6) According to Dr John Henry CLARKE
The Plant Nosodes
PDF 102 kb
7) According to Dr John Henry CLARKE.
The Animal Nosodes
PDF 515kb
8) According to Dr John Henry CLARKE.
PDF 627 kb
according to Dr John Henry CLARKE. 7okb pdf
10) The Materia Medica of the Nosodes.
By Henry Clay ALLEN, M. D.
Materia Medica of the Nosodes (Only Key-Notes). PDF 573 KB
10 books 1 link 9.85 MB
ayurveda ebooks collection
heart attacks
complete information on heart attacks its pathology,etiology,and prevention .a must for all ayurvedic doctors and students - Dr.Raj
heart attacks
complete information on heart attacks its pathology,etiology,and prevention .a must for all ayurvedic doctors and students - Dr.Raj
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Examination MedicineBy Nicholas J. Talley, Simon O'Connor

Product Description: Examination Medicine is a very successful and highly used book among FRACP candidates preparing for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Part 1 Examination. The book is also widely used by senior medical students throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. The new 5th edition will be significantly updated in order to keep up with changes in the examinations and medicine. Examination Medicine 5E will continue to highlight key facts the candidate must understand for the fellowship examination, filled with information about history taking, the examination and investigations it will remain significant to those undertaking the FRACP examination process. The book will consist of Long and Short cases with updates to occur throughout. A new chapter on Imaging for the Physician Trainee is introduced. Written by two well-known and respected authors, Clinical Examination 5th edition will continue to provide students with a good reference point for performing clinical methods.????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Examination Medicine By Nicholas J. Talley, Simon O'Connor
Now in 2-colour
New design of overall layout offering greater accessibility for readers.
New artwork to enhance the format
New Chapter on Imaging for the Physician
Now in 2-colour
New design of overall layout offering greater accessibility for readers.
New artwork to enhance the format
New Chapter on Imaging for the Physician
3D Clinic Professional (ISO)

3DClinic Professional is a sophisticated educational tool designed specifically for use by doctors in communicating with patients in the clinical setting. Containing more than 100 distinct pieces of interactive media accessed via a simple and easy to navigate menu structure, 3D Clinic Professional replaces traditional analogue media (such as medical illustration books and skeleton models) used by doctor to converse with patient. With the unique advantage of draw-on-screen, type-on-screen, print, email and save-to-disk functionality, is not only designed to improve patient compliance, but also lower malpractice risk.The unique selling point of 3DClinic Professional is our ability to facilitate a better patient outcome via a healthcare professional's communication of 3D interactive imagery. It is the intent of 3DClinic to take a competitive position throughout the world in any market segment where a healthcare professional, teacher, parent or other individual wishes to achieve an improved educational outcome in the area of anatomy, medicine and health via communication of 3D interactive imagery. The core value of our first product developed for use in general practice is a better patient outcome.Our product is not designed to be additive to GP's current workflow practices, rather, simply replace the use by doctor of analogue media he/she would traditionally use to educate patients about their condition.The software features:• Simple menu structure for ease of navigation• Health topics that provide a 3D interactive journey from a healthy to unhealthy state.• A 3D library of anatomical images of the human body• Draw and Type features that enable you to 'personalize' imagery for your patient• Ability to Print, Email (for referrals) & Save these images for future reference• Links to patient education materials provided by recognized professional associations
The Rational Clinical Examination:

Evidence-Based Clinical Diagnosis (Jama & Archives Journals) (Paperback)
by David Simel (Author), Drummond Rennie (Author) Product DescriptionThe ultimate guide to the evidence-based clinical encounter. . In the tradition of the famous Users' Guides to the Medical Literature, The JAMA series �The Rational Clinical Examination� was created to bring the principles of evidence-based medicine to the diagnostic process. Featuring specific clinical questions, numerous case examples, and precise summaries of available evidence, the RCE series was an instant hit.. . Now for the very first time in book form, completely updated with new literature analyses, here is a uniquely practical, clinically relevant approach to the use of evidence in the content of physical examination. Going far beyond the scope of traditional physical examination texts, this invaluable resource compiles and presents the evidence-based meanings of signs, symptoms, and results from physical examination maneuvers and other diagnostic studies. Page after page, you'll find a focus on actual clinical questions and presentations, making it an incomparably practical resource that you'll turn to again and again.. . Importantly, the high-yield content of The Rational Clinical Examination is significantly expanded and updated from the original JAMA articles, much of it published here for the first time. It all adds up to a definitive, ready-to-use clinical exam sourcebook that no student or clinician should be without.. . FEATURES. .
All the expert perspectives on the application of evidence-based medicine principles-with all the authority of the pioneering JAMA series, The Rational Clinical Examination .
Packed with updated, new, and previously unpublished information from the original JAMA articles .
Standardized template for every issue covered, including: Case Presentation; Why the Issue Is Clinically Important; Research and Statistical Methods Used to Find the Evidence Presented; The Sensitivity and Specificity of Each Key Result; Resolution of the Case Presentation; and the Clinical Bottom Line.
Completely updated with all-new literature searches and appraisals supplementing each chapter.
Full-color format with dynamic clinical illustrations and images .
Real-world focus on a specific clinical question in each chapter, reflecting the way clinicians approach the practice of evidence-based medicine .
More than 50 complete chapters on common and challenging clinical questions and patient presentations.
Not-to-be-missed coverage of the principles of evidence-based medicine and physical diagnosis, with the concepts of specificity and sensitivity applied to the patient encounter.
Also available:, a new interactive database for the best practice of evidence based medicine
by David Simel (Author), Drummond Rennie (Author) Product DescriptionThe ultimate guide to the evidence-based clinical encounter. . In the tradition of the famous Users' Guides to the Medical Literature, The JAMA series �The Rational Clinical Examination� was created to bring the principles of evidence-based medicine to the diagnostic process. Featuring specific clinical questions, numerous case examples, and precise summaries of available evidence, the RCE series was an instant hit.. . Now for the very first time in book form, completely updated with new literature analyses, here is a uniquely practical, clinically relevant approach to the use of evidence in the content of physical examination. Going far beyond the scope of traditional physical examination texts, this invaluable resource compiles and presents the evidence-based meanings of signs, symptoms, and results from physical examination maneuvers and other diagnostic studies. Page after page, you'll find a focus on actual clinical questions and presentations, making it an incomparably practical resource that you'll turn to again and again.. . Importantly, the high-yield content of The Rational Clinical Examination is significantly expanded and updated from the original JAMA articles, much of it published here for the first time. It all adds up to a definitive, ready-to-use clinical exam sourcebook that no student or clinician should be without.. . FEATURES. .
All the expert perspectives on the application of evidence-based medicine principles-with all the authority of the pioneering JAMA series, The Rational Clinical Examination .
Packed with updated, new, and previously unpublished information from the original JAMA articles .
Standardized template for every issue covered, including: Case Presentation; Why the Issue Is Clinically Important; Research and Statistical Methods Used to Find the Evidence Presented; The Sensitivity and Specificity of Each Key Result; Resolution of the Case Presentation; and the Clinical Bottom Line.
Completely updated with all-new literature searches and appraisals supplementing each chapter.
Full-color format with dynamic clinical illustrations and images .
Real-world focus on a specific clinical question in each chapter, reflecting the way clinicians approach the practice of evidence-based medicine .
More than 50 complete chapters on common and challenging clinical questions and patient presentations.
Not-to-be-missed coverage of the principles of evidence-based medicine and physical diagnosis, with the concepts of specificity and sensitivity applied to the patient encounter.
Also available:, a new interactive database for the best practice of evidence based medicine
Clinical Interviewing (Hardcover)
by John Sommers-Flanagan (Author), Rita Sommers-Flanagan (Author
by John Sommers-Flanagan (Author), Rita Sommers-Flanagan (Author

ReviewPraise for 2E: "This book...represents a thorough and well-written presentation of the strategies, processes, and interactions necessary for the effective clinical interview...highly recommended..." (Albert B. Hood, University of Iowa for APA Review of Books) --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Review"The fourth edition of this classic by John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan is simply a triumph! This book has both extraordinary depth and breadth. The authors do an exceptional job of describing mundane--but critical--details of learning to interview while still capturing and articulating the essential "big picture" aspects of contemporary clinical interviewing. The book has it all: theory, research, case material, and the essential "how to's", all presented in an accessible and lively format. It is hard to imagine a better book for beginning clinicians."—David A. Jobes, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor of Psychology, Co-Director of Clinical Training, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC "Thorough, thoughtful, and well-written, John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan do an outstanding job demonstrating the scientist-practitioner model in action. The text provides excellent coverage of the basic skills involved in clinical interviewing, and the material is brought to life through an engaging literary style, numerous case examples, and informative and amusing anecdotes. The authors also confront important ethical issues pertaining to clinical interviewing, such as informed consent, confidentiality and its limits, and documentation according to HIPAA standards. The review of the literature is current, summarizing many contemporary issues and controversies, such as revisions to be included in DSM-V."—James C. Overholser, Ph.D., ABPP; Professor of Psychology, Director of Clinical Training, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy "It is a delight to see the 4th Edition of the Sommers-Flanagan's excellent work. They understand counseling and therapy, their writing is clear, and this book will be enjoyed by students and faculty alike."—Allen E. Ivey, Ed.D., ABPP; Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; President, Microtraining Associates, Inc.
Macleod’s Clinical Examination

Product DetailsBook Publisher: Churchill Livingstone (20 June, 2005)ISBN: 0443074046Book author: Graham Douglas, Fiona Nicol, Colin RobertsonAmazon Rating:Book Description:This is a book at the heart of learning how to be a good doctor; invaluable for students starting clinical medicine as well as for more senior students and junior doctors, reminding them of the procedures involved in clerking a patient.This text provides a clear description of the fundamental skills of patient evaluation and examination, answering the cunning questions which arise from this.Starts with a general overview section on history taking and the general examination that provide the framework on which to hang the detail.The systematic examination section documents clearly the relevant history, examination and special investigations as well as giving advice on their significance.The final section covers the specialized areas relating to young children and the critically-ill patient..In full colour throughout and highly illustrated.Closely linked to its sister publication, Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine , which complements the information in this text.Now with access to full text online plus many other extras via www.studentconsult.comA new editorial team drawn from hospital-based as well as general practiceAddition of three major new chapters covering: the Reproductive System including pregnancy, the examination of Babies and Children and the examination of the Critically Ill including shock and coma.Expansion of ENT examination into a new chapter.Most major system chapters start with a summary outline figure diagram of the core clinical examination points.Addition of 28 Clinical Examples as used in modern OSCE examinationsNew key points included throughout emphasizing good practice methods and procedures.A wealth of new illustrations including line drawings to demonstrate good examination technique and superb new clinical photographs illustrating signs in common disease.Closely linked to its sister publication, Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine, which complements the information in this text. Tags: Physical Examination
Part 1
Hutchison's Clinical Methods: An Integrated Approach to Clinical Practice, 22/e 2007 by:

Michael Swash, Michael Glynn,
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.
Number Of Pages: 560
Publication Date: 2007-04-20
Sales Rank: 540943
ISBN / ASIN: 0702027995
EAN: 9780702027994
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Saunders Ltd.
Studio: Saunders Ltd.
Average Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 2 Book Description: Hutchison's Clinical Methods, first published over a century ago, is the classic textbook on clinical examination. It provides an outstanding source of learning and reference for undergraduate medical students and postgraduate doctors. It seeks to teach an integrated approach to clinical practice, so that new methods and investigations are grafted onto established patterns of clinical practice, rather than added on as something extra. The text is organised so that both system-related and problem-oriented chapters are included. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of the doctor-patient relationship, the essential skills needed for clinical examination, and for planning the appropriate choice of investigations in diagnosis and management.CHM FormatTOC in TriPane, Full size images embeded, Removal of links in HTMLRAR 1x100 + 1x65 MB
Publisher: Saunders Ltd.
Number Of Pages: 560
Publication Date: 2007-04-20
Sales Rank: 540943
ISBN / ASIN: 0702027995
EAN: 9780702027994
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Saunders Ltd.
Studio: Saunders Ltd.
Average Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 2 Book Description: Hutchison's Clinical Methods, first published over a century ago, is the classic textbook on clinical examination. It provides an outstanding source of learning and reference for undergraduate medical students and postgraduate doctors. It seeks to teach an integrated approach to clinical practice, so that new methods and investigations are grafted onto established patterns of clinical practice, rather than added on as something extra. The text is organised so that both system-related and problem-oriented chapters are included. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of the doctor-patient relationship, the essential skills needed for clinical examination, and for planning the appropriate choice of investigations in diagnosis and management.CHM FormatTOC in TriPane, Full size images embeded, Removal of links in HTMLRAR 1x100 + 1x65 MB
part 1
part 2
Mechanisms by which exercise training benefits patients with heart failure
by Ettore Crimi, Louis J. Ignarro, Francesco Cacciatore& Claudio NapoliClinical consequences of heart failure are fatigue, dyspnea, and progressive impairment of exercise tolerance. Regular exercise training is associated with health-improving effects. In patients with stable heart failure, exercise training can relieve symptoms, improve exercise capacity and quality of life, as well as reduce hospitalization and, to some extent, risk of mortality. Progressive exercise training is associated with pulmonary, cardiovascular, and skeletal muscle metabolic adaptations that increase oxygen delivery and energy production. This Review focuses on current knowledge of mechanisms by which progressive and moderate exercise training can have sustained beneficial effects on patients with heart failure.????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Mechanisms by which exercise training benefits patients with heart failure by Ettore Crimi, Louis J. Ignarro, Francesco Cacciatore& Claudio Napoli
by Ettore Crimi, Louis J. Ignarro, Francesco Cacciatore& Claudio NapoliClinical consequences of heart failure are fatigue, dyspnea, and progressive impairment of exercise tolerance. Regular exercise training is associated with health-improving effects. In patients with stable heart failure, exercise training can relieve symptoms, improve exercise capacity and quality of life, as well as reduce hospitalization and, to some extent, risk of mortality. Progressive exercise training is associated with pulmonary, cardiovascular, and skeletal muscle metabolic adaptations that increase oxygen delivery and energy production. This Review focuses on current knowledge of mechanisms by which progressive and moderate exercise training can have sustained beneficial effects on patients with heart failure.????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Mechanisms by which exercise training benefits patients with heart failure by Ettore Crimi, Louis J. Ignarro, Francesco Cacciatore& Claudio Napoli
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Vol 17 No 5 - may 2009The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons was established in the fall of 1993 by the Academy in response to its membership’s demand for a clinical review journal. Two issues were published the first year, followed by six issues yearly from 1994 through 2004. In September 2005, JAAOS began publishing monthly issues.Each issue includes richly illustrated peer-reviewed articles focused on clinical diagnosis and management. Special features in each issue provide commentary on developments in pharmacotherapeutics, materials and techniques, and computer applications.The Journal's mission is dissemination of knowledge to improve the care of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. The Editorial Board selects articles that critically evaluate and synthesize current information on the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal conditions and document the current state of orthopaedic practice. Because JAAOS is a review journal, certain types of material (eg, original research, case studies, animal studies, or duplicative material) are not appropriate for publication.JAAOS is published by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the world’s largest medical association of musculoskeletal specialists. JAAOS is provided to all members of the Academy as a benefit of membership. The Journal is also provided to residents in specified orthopaedic and osteopathic programs.
Nature Neuroscience Journal ~ April 2009,

Volume 12
No 4 pp363-522 by: NPGEditorialMaking the most of reviewer resources - p363doi:10.1038/nn0409-363In 2008, Nature Neuroscience joined a community consortium aimed at making peer review more efficient by allowing reviews to be transferred between consortium journals. We look back at our experience with the Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium over the last year.Full Text - Making the most of reviewer resources PDF (225 KB) - Making the most of reviewer resourcesTop of pageCorrespondenceFirst report of action potentials in a C. elegans neuron is premature - pp365 - 366Shawn R Lockery, Miriam B Goodman & Serge Faumontdoi:10.1038/nn0409-365Full Text - First report of action potentials in a C. elegans neuron is premature PDF (1,072 KB) - First report of action potentials in a C. elegans neuron is prematureReply to "First report of action potentials in a C. elegans neuron is premature" - p366Jerry E Mellem, Penelope J Brockie, David M Madsen & Andres V Maricqdoi:10.1038/nn0409-366Full Text - Reply to "First report of action potentials in a C. elegans neuron is premature" PDF (84 KB) - Reply to "First report of action potentials in a C. elegans neuron is premature"Top of pageBook ReviewMemory and reality - p367Daniel L Schacter & Brendan Gaesser review The Confabulating Mind: How the Brain Creates Reality by Armin Schniderdoi:10.1038/nn0409-367Full Text - Memory and reality PDF (137 KB) - Memory and realityTop of pageNews and ViewsFine control: microRNA regulation of adult neurogenesis - pp369 - 370Qin Shen & Sally Templedoi:10.1038/nn0409-369Neural stem cells transition through several progenitor stages before finally generating postmitotic neurons. New work shows that one of these steps, the generation of neuroblasts from transient amplifying precursors in the adult subventricular zone, requires downregulation of the transcription factor Sox9 by the microRNA miR-124.Full Text - Fine control: microRNA regulation of adult neurogenesis PDF (503 KB) - Fine control: microRNA regulation of adult neurogenesisSee also: Article by Cheng et al.Proteoglycans specify Sonic Hedgehog effect - pp371 - 372Catherine Vaillant & Denis Monarddoi:10.1038/nn0409-371How can the multifunctional factor Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) elicit specific responses from its target cells? A study now pinpoints proteoglycans as crucial anchors and modulators of SHH signaling, eliciting a proliferation response.Full Text - Proteoglycans specify Sonic Hedgehog effect PDF (386 KB) - Proteoglycans specify Sonic Hedgehog effectSee also: Article by Chan et al.Neuronal communication: a detailed balancing act - pp372 - 374Emilio Salinasdoi:10.1038/nn0409-372What controls the functional connections between sending and receiving neurons? A new model suggests that each receiver circuit has a local switch that is controlled by the balance between excitation and inhibition.Full Text - Neuronal communication: a detailed balancing act PDF (1,425 KB) - Neuronal communication: a detailed balancing actSee also: Article by Vogels & AbbottIt's not you, it's me. Really. - pp374 - 375Garrett B Stanleydoi:10.1038/nn0409-374A subset of neurons in rat barrel cortex integrate information about the object a whisker contacts with the motion of the whisker at the time of contact, setting the stage for a highly specialized object localization system.Full Text - It's not you, it's me. Really. PDF (232 KB) - It's not you, it's me. Really.See also: Article by Curtis & KleinfeldTop of pageCommentaryThe quest for action potentials in C. elegans neurons hits a plateau - pp377 - 378Shawn R Lockery & Miriam B Goodmandoi:10.1038/nn0409-377The small size and high resistance of C. elegans neurons makes them sensitive to the random opening of single ion channels, probably rendering codes that are based on classical, all-or-none action potentials unworkable. The recent discovery in C. elegans of a special class of regenerative events known as plateau potentials introduces the possibility of digital neural codes. Such codes would solve the problem of representing information in nervous systems in which action potentials are unreliable.Full Text - The quest for action potentials in C. elegans neurons hits a plateau PDF (217 KB) - The quest for action potentials in C. elegans neurons hits a plateauTop of pageReviewEndoplasmic reticulum stress in disorders of myelinating cells - pp379 - 385Wensheng Lin & Brian Popkodoi:10.1038/nn.2273Recent work suggests that endoplasmic reticulum stress in myelinating cells is important in the pathogenesis of various disorders of myelin, including multiple sclerosis. In this review, Lin and Popko review our current understanding of the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in myelinating cells.Abstract - Full Text - Endoplasmic reticulum stress in disorders of myelinating cells PDF (373 KB) - Endoplasmic reticulum stress in disorders of myelinating cellsTop of pageBrief CommunicationsA dual leucine kinase–dependent axon self-destruction program promotes Wallerian degeneration - pp387 - 389Bradley R Miller, Craig Press, Richard W Daniels, Yo Sasaki, Jeffrey Milbrandt & Aaron DiAntoniodoi:10.1038/nn.2290Axon degeneration is an active process. Miller and colleagues show in fly and mouse models that axon degeneration requires the kinase DLK and its downstream target JNK to proceed.Abstract - Full Text - A dual leucine kinase–dependent axon self-destruction program promotes Wallerian degeneration PDF (437 KB) - A dual leucine kinase–dependent axon self-destruction program promotes Wallerian degeneration Supplementary informationThalamic activity that drives visual cortical plasticity - pp390 - 392Monica L Linden, Arnold J Heynen, Robert H Haslinger & Mark F Beardoi:10.1038/nn.2284To understand how monocular eyelid closure and retinal inactivation can affect cortical ocular dominance, Linden et al. examined the firing activity of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. They report that the firing pattern, but not the firing rate, is differentially affected by manipulations of retinal activity.Abstract - Full Text - Thalamic activity that drives visual cortical plasticity PDF (246 KB) - Thalamic activity that drives visual cortical plasticity Supplementary informationD2R striatopallidal neurons inhibit both locomotor and drug reward processes - pp393 - 395Pierre F Durieux, Bertrand Bearzatto, Stefania Guiducci, Thorsten Buch, Ari Waisman, Michele Zoli, Serge N Schiffmann & Alban de Kerchove d'Exaerdedoi:10.1038/nn.2286The striatum contains two distinct types of GABAergic neurons, striatonigral and striatopallidal cells. Durieux and colleagues genetically ablated the striatopallidal population in mice, uncovering specific roles for these neurons in the control of locomotion and the response to the addictive drug amphetamine.Abstract - Full Text - D2R striatopallidal neurons inhibit both locomotor and drug reward processes PDF (342 KB) - D2R striatopallidal neurons inhibit both locomotor and drug reward processes Supplementary informationPharmacological REM sleep suppression paradoxically improves rather than impairs skill memory - pp396 - 397Björn Rasch, Julian Pommer, Susanne Diekelmann & Jan Borndoi:10.1038/nn.2206Previous work suggests that post-learning rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is crucial for memory consolidation, but this study shows that suppressing REM sleep via serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors instead enhances memory consolidation of a motor skill task.Abstract - Full Text - Pharmacological REM sleep suppression paradoxically improves rather than impairs skill memory PDF (133 KB) - Pharmacological REM sleep suppression paradoxically improves rather than impairs skill memory Supplementary information
Top of pageArticlesmiR-124 regulates adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone stem cell niche - pp399 - 408Li-Chun Cheng, Erika Pastrana, Masoud Tavazoie & Fiona Doetschdoi:10.1038/nn.2294This study shows that the microRNA miR-124 is required for neuronal differentiation of adult neural progenitors in vitro and in vivo. The transcription factor Sox9 opposes neuronal differentiation and is suppressed by miRNA-124.Abstract - Full Text - miR-124 regulates adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone stem cell niche PDF (1,286 KB) - miR-124 regulates adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone stem cell niche Supplementary informationSee also: News and Views by Shen & TempleProteoglycan interactions with Sonic Hedgehog specify mitogenic responses - pp409 - 417Jennifer A Chan, Srividya Balasubramanian, Rochelle M Witt, Kellie J Nazemi, Yoojin Choi, Maria F Pazyra-Murphy, Carolyn O Walsh, Margaret Thompson & Rosalind A Segaldoi:10.1038/nn.2287Sonic hedgehog (Shh) functions as both a mitogen and a patterning agent during development. Looking mainly at the developing mouse cerebellum, this study shows that the mitogenic activity, but not the patterning role, requires Shh to interact with proteoglycans.Abstract - Full Text - Proteoglycan interactions with Sonic Hedgehog specify mitogenic responses PDF (625 KB) - Proteoglycan interactions with Sonic Hedgehog specify mitogenic responses Supplementary informationSee also: News and Views by Vaillant & MonardParacrine control of oligodendrocyte differentiation by SRF-directed neuronal gene expression - pp418 - 427Christine Stritt, Sina Stern, Kai Harting, Thomas Manke, Daniela Sinske, Heinz Schwarz, Martin Vingron, Alfred Nordheim & Bernd Knölldoi:10.1038/nn.2280This study shows that the transcription factor SRF, expressed in neurons, crucially affects oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination through a non–cell autonomous mechanism. SRF appears to act, at least in part, by repressing transcription of the paracrine growth factor CTGF. Overexpression of CTGF reduced oligodendrocyte differentiation.Abstract - Full Text - Paracrine control of oligodendrocyte differentiation by SRF-directed neuronal gene expression PDF (1,228 KB) - Paracrine control of oligodendrocyte differentiation by SRF-directed neuronal gene expression Supplementary informationTrans-synaptic adhesion between NGL-3 and LAR regulates the formation of excitatory synapses - pp428 - 437Jooyeon Woo, Seok-Kyu Kwon, Seungwon Choi, Seho Kim, Jae-Ran Lee, Anthone W Dunah, Morgan Sheng & Eunjoon Kimdoi:10.1038/nn.2279Although the receptor tyrosine phosphatase LAR is known to regulate the devolvement of excitatory synapse and to direct proper guidance of axons, the extracellular ligand for its activation has remained unknown. This study identifies postsynaptic netrin G-ligand 3 (NGL-3) as the trans-synaptic adhesion ligand of LAR and demonstrates a bidirectional regulation of excitatory synapse formation by the LAR/NGL-3 interaction.Abstract - Full Text - Trans-synaptic adhesion between NGL-3 and LAR regulates the formation of excitatory synapses PDF (1,413 KB) - Trans-synaptic adhesion between NGL-3 and LAR regulates the formation of excitatory synapses Supplementary informationAltered chloride homeostasis removes synaptic inhibitory constraint of the stress axis - pp438 - 443Sarah A Hewitt, Jaclyn I Wamsteeker, Ebba U Kurz & Jaideep S Bainsdoi:10.1038/nn.2274The release of stress hormone from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is regulated by nearby GABAergic input. This study shows that behavioral stress affects chloride ion homeostasis and thus tapers GABAergic inhibition, thereby suggesting disinhibition of the PVN as a mechanism for stress response initiation.Abstract - Full Text - Altered chloride homeostasis removes synaptic inhibitory constraint of the stress axis PDF (415 KB) - Altered chloride homeostasis removes synaptic inhibitory constraint of the stress axis Supplementary informationTuning of synapse number, structure and function in the cochlea - pp444 - 453Alexander C Meyer, Thomas Frank, Darina Khimich, Gerhard Hoch, Dietmar Riedel, Nikolai M Chapochnikov, Yury M Yarin, Benjamin Harke, Stefan W Hell, Alexander Egner & Tobias Moserdoi:10.1038/nn.2293In the cochlea, ribbon synapses are used to transmit acoustic information from inner hair cells to spiral ganglion cells. Here the authors find that the properties of these synapses vary along the tonotopic axis, providing a candidate presynaptic mechanism for modulating the dynamics of ganglion cell spiking.Abstract - Full Text - Tuning of synapse number, structure and function in the cochlea PDF (1,090 KB) - Tuning of synapse number, structure and function in the cochlea Supplementary informationPhosphodiesterase 1C is dispensable for rapid response termination of olfactory sensory neurons - pp454 - 462Katherine D Cygnar & Haiqing Zhaodoi:10.1038/nn.2289Phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity in olfactory sensory neuron cilia is thought to be responsible for degrading odor-induced signaling, resulting in rapid response termination. However, disrupting the variety of PDE found only in cilia unexpectedly turns out not to result in a rapid response termination deficit. Only eliminating both cilia-localized and cell body–localized varieties of PDEs resulted in prolonged termination.Abstract - Full Text - Phosphodiesterase 1C is dispensable for rapid response termination of olfactory sensory neurons PDF (558 KB) - Phosphodiesterase 1C is dispensable for rapid response termination of olfactory sensory neurons Supplementary informationTraveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity - pp463 - 473Alanna J Watt, Hermann Cuntz, Masahiro Mori, Zoltan Nusser, P Jesper Sjöström & Michael Häusserdoi:10.1038/nn.2285The authors use patch-clamp recordings and two-photon microscopy to characterize monosynaptic connections between Purkinje cells of the juvenile cerebellum. They then construct a network model that generates traveling waves of activity between connected Purkinje cells and validate their model with observations in juvenile cerebellar cortex.Abstract - Full Text - Traveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity PDF (3,006 KB) - Traveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity Supplementary informationTransformation of odor representations in target areas of the olfactory bulb - pp474 - 482Emre Yaksi, Francisca von Saint Paul, Jörn Niessing, Sebastian T Bundschuh & Rainer W Friedrichdoi:10.1038/nn.2288The organization of the olfactory bulb has been extensively studied, but much less is known about downstream areas. The authors compare activity patterns in the zebrafish olfactory bulb and two of its targets. They find that the subpallial area has overlapping odor representations, whereas those in the area homologous to the olfactory bulb are more sharply tuned.Abstract - Full Text - Transformation of odor representations in target areas of the olfactory bulb PDF (932 KB) - Transformation of odor representations in target areas of the olfactory bulb Supplementary informationGating multiple signals through detailed balance of excitation and inhibition in spiking networks - pp483 - 491Tim P Vogels & L F Abbottdoi:10.1038/nn.2276The balance of excitation and inhibition across large populations of spiking neurons has been suggested to be important. Here the authors model the effects of a more detailed balance between incoming excitation and local inhibition on the transmission of signals through a neural network.Abstract - Full Text - Gating multiple signals through detailed balance of excitation and inhibition in spiking networks PDF (806 KB) - Gating multiple signals through detailed balance of excitation and inhibition in spiking networksSee also: News and Views by Salinas????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Nature Neuroscience Journal ~ April 2009, Volume 12 No 4 pp363-522 by: NPGPhase-to-rate transformations encode touch in cortical neurons of a scanning sensorimotor system - pp492 - 501John C Curtis & David Kleinfelddoi:10.1038/nn.2283Active somatosensory perception requires the integration of signals arising from both external stimuli and motor activity. The authors found a population of neurons in rat somatosensory cortex that responded to touch only when contact occurred at a specific phase in the whisk cycle, providing information about the position of the object relative to the rat's face.Abstract - Full Text - Phase-to-rate transformations encode touch in cortical neurons of a scanning sensorimotor system PDF (2,154 KB) - Phase-to-rate transformations encode touch in cortical neurons of a scanning sensorimotor system Supplementary informationSee also: News and Views by StanleyInterval time coding by neurons in the presupplementary and supplementary motor areas - pp502 - 507Akihisa Mita, Hajime Mushiake, Keisetsu Shima, Yoshiya Matsuzaka & Jun Tanjidoi:10.1038/nn.2272Previous work has implicated prefrontal and parietal cortex in time perception and the temporal domain in decision making. Single-cell recordings in monkeys performing an interval-generation task now reveal that neurons in the medial motor areas can also represent the passage of time.Abstract - Full Text - Interval time coding by neurons in the presupplementary and supplementary motor areas PDF (593 KB) - Interval time coding by neurons in the presupplementary and supplementary motor areas Supplementary information????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Nature Neuroscience Journal ~ April 2009, Volume 12 No 4 pp363-522 by: NPGA neural mechanism of first impressions - pp508 - 514Daniela Schiller, Jonathan B Freeman, Jason P Mitchell, James S Uleman & Elizabeth A Phelpsdoi:10.1038/nn.2278People can form opinions of others during an initial encounter. Neuroimaging results suggest that these first impressions are mediated by the amygdala and posterior cingulate cortex.Abstract - Full Text - A neural mechanism of first impressions PDF (369 KB) - A neural mechanism of first impressions Supplementary information
Hierarchical cognitive control deficits following damage to the human frontal lobe - pp515 - 522David Badre, Joshua Hoffman, Jeffrey W Cooney & Mark D'Espositodoi:10.1038/nn.2277The frontal lobes are critical for cognitive control over both abstract actions and motor plans. On the basis of the behavioral deficits of lesions patients, the authors report that there is a hierarchical organization of cognitive control, with rostral areas being required for decisions about more abstract actions and caudal areas being required for decisions about more concrete actions.
Top of pageArticlesmiR-124 regulates adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone stem cell niche - pp399 - 408Li-Chun Cheng, Erika Pastrana, Masoud Tavazoie & Fiona Doetschdoi:10.1038/nn.2294This study shows that the microRNA miR-124 is required for neuronal differentiation of adult neural progenitors in vitro and in vivo. The transcription factor Sox9 opposes neuronal differentiation and is suppressed by miRNA-124.Abstract - Full Text - miR-124 regulates adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone stem cell niche PDF (1,286 KB) - miR-124 regulates adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone stem cell niche Supplementary informationSee also: News and Views by Shen & TempleProteoglycan interactions with Sonic Hedgehog specify mitogenic responses - pp409 - 417Jennifer A Chan, Srividya Balasubramanian, Rochelle M Witt, Kellie J Nazemi, Yoojin Choi, Maria F Pazyra-Murphy, Carolyn O Walsh, Margaret Thompson & Rosalind A Segaldoi:10.1038/nn.2287Sonic hedgehog (Shh) functions as both a mitogen and a patterning agent during development. Looking mainly at the developing mouse cerebellum, this study shows that the mitogenic activity, but not the patterning role, requires Shh to interact with proteoglycans.Abstract - Full Text - Proteoglycan interactions with Sonic Hedgehog specify mitogenic responses PDF (625 KB) - Proteoglycan interactions with Sonic Hedgehog specify mitogenic responses Supplementary informationSee also: News and Views by Vaillant & MonardParacrine control of oligodendrocyte differentiation by SRF-directed neuronal gene expression - pp418 - 427Christine Stritt, Sina Stern, Kai Harting, Thomas Manke, Daniela Sinske, Heinz Schwarz, Martin Vingron, Alfred Nordheim & Bernd Knölldoi:10.1038/nn.2280This study shows that the transcription factor SRF, expressed in neurons, crucially affects oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination through a non–cell autonomous mechanism. SRF appears to act, at least in part, by repressing transcription of the paracrine growth factor CTGF. Overexpression of CTGF reduced oligodendrocyte differentiation.Abstract - Full Text - Paracrine control of oligodendrocyte differentiation by SRF-directed neuronal gene expression PDF (1,228 KB) - Paracrine control of oligodendrocyte differentiation by SRF-directed neuronal gene expression Supplementary informationTrans-synaptic adhesion between NGL-3 and LAR regulates the formation of excitatory synapses - pp428 - 437Jooyeon Woo, Seok-Kyu Kwon, Seungwon Choi, Seho Kim, Jae-Ran Lee, Anthone W Dunah, Morgan Sheng & Eunjoon Kimdoi:10.1038/nn.2279Although the receptor tyrosine phosphatase LAR is known to regulate the devolvement of excitatory synapse and to direct proper guidance of axons, the extracellular ligand for its activation has remained unknown. This study identifies postsynaptic netrin G-ligand 3 (NGL-3) as the trans-synaptic adhesion ligand of LAR and demonstrates a bidirectional regulation of excitatory synapse formation by the LAR/NGL-3 interaction.Abstract - Full Text - Trans-synaptic adhesion between NGL-3 and LAR regulates the formation of excitatory synapses PDF (1,413 KB) - Trans-synaptic adhesion between NGL-3 and LAR regulates the formation of excitatory synapses Supplementary informationAltered chloride homeostasis removes synaptic inhibitory constraint of the stress axis - pp438 - 443Sarah A Hewitt, Jaclyn I Wamsteeker, Ebba U Kurz & Jaideep S Bainsdoi:10.1038/nn.2274The release of stress hormone from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is regulated by nearby GABAergic input. This study shows that behavioral stress affects chloride ion homeostasis and thus tapers GABAergic inhibition, thereby suggesting disinhibition of the PVN as a mechanism for stress response initiation.Abstract - Full Text - Altered chloride homeostasis removes synaptic inhibitory constraint of the stress axis PDF (415 KB) - Altered chloride homeostasis removes synaptic inhibitory constraint of the stress axis Supplementary informationTuning of synapse number, structure and function in the cochlea - pp444 - 453Alexander C Meyer, Thomas Frank, Darina Khimich, Gerhard Hoch, Dietmar Riedel, Nikolai M Chapochnikov, Yury M Yarin, Benjamin Harke, Stefan W Hell, Alexander Egner & Tobias Moserdoi:10.1038/nn.2293In the cochlea, ribbon synapses are used to transmit acoustic information from inner hair cells to spiral ganglion cells. Here the authors find that the properties of these synapses vary along the tonotopic axis, providing a candidate presynaptic mechanism for modulating the dynamics of ganglion cell spiking.Abstract - Full Text - Tuning of synapse number, structure and function in the cochlea PDF (1,090 KB) - Tuning of synapse number, structure and function in the cochlea Supplementary informationPhosphodiesterase 1C is dispensable for rapid response termination of olfactory sensory neurons - pp454 - 462Katherine D Cygnar & Haiqing Zhaodoi:10.1038/nn.2289Phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity in olfactory sensory neuron cilia is thought to be responsible for degrading odor-induced signaling, resulting in rapid response termination. However, disrupting the variety of PDE found only in cilia unexpectedly turns out not to result in a rapid response termination deficit. Only eliminating both cilia-localized and cell body–localized varieties of PDEs resulted in prolonged termination.Abstract - Full Text - Phosphodiesterase 1C is dispensable for rapid response termination of olfactory sensory neurons PDF (558 KB) - Phosphodiesterase 1C is dispensable for rapid response termination of olfactory sensory neurons Supplementary informationTraveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity - pp463 - 473Alanna J Watt, Hermann Cuntz, Masahiro Mori, Zoltan Nusser, P Jesper Sjöström & Michael Häusserdoi:10.1038/nn.2285The authors use patch-clamp recordings and two-photon microscopy to characterize monosynaptic connections between Purkinje cells of the juvenile cerebellum. They then construct a network model that generates traveling waves of activity between connected Purkinje cells and validate their model with observations in juvenile cerebellar cortex.Abstract - Full Text - Traveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity PDF (3,006 KB) - Traveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity Supplementary informationTransformation of odor representations in target areas of the olfactory bulb - pp474 - 482Emre Yaksi, Francisca von Saint Paul, Jörn Niessing, Sebastian T Bundschuh & Rainer W Friedrichdoi:10.1038/nn.2288The organization of the olfactory bulb has been extensively studied, but much less is known about downstream areas. The authors compare activity patterns in the zebrafish olfactory bulb and two of its targets. They find that the subpallial area has overlapping odor representations, whereas those in the area homologous to the olfactory bulb are more sharply tuned.Abstract - Full Text - Transformation of odor representations in target areas of the olfactory bulb PDF (932 KB) - Transformation of odor representations in target areas of the olfactory bulb Supplementary informationGating multiple signals through detailed balance of excitation and inhibition in spiking networks - pp483 - 491Tim P Vogels & L F Abbottdoi:10.1038/nn.2276The balance of excitation and inhibition across large populations of spiking neurons has been suggested to be important. Here the authors model the effects of a more detailed balance between incoming excitation and local inhibition on the transmission of signals through a neural network.Abstract - Full Text - Gating multiple signals through detailed balance of excitation and inhibition in spiking networks PDF (806 KB) - Gating multiple signals through detailed balance of excitation and inhibition in spiking networksSee also: News and Views by Salinas????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Nature Neuroscience Journal ~ April 2009, Volume 12 No 4 pp363-522 by: NPGPhase-to-rate transformations encode touch in cortical neurons of a scanning sensorimotor system - pp492 - 501John C Curtis & David Kleinfelddoi:10.1038/nn.2283Active somatosensory perception requires the integration of signals arising from both external stimuli and motor activity. The authors found a population of neurons in rat somatosensory cortex that responded to touch only when contact occurred at a specific phase in the whisk cycle, providing information about the position of the object relative to the rat's face.Abstract - Full Text - Phase-to-rate transformations encode touch in cortical neurons of a scanning sensorimotor system PDF (2,154 KB) - Phase-to-rate transformations encode touch in cortical neurons of a scanning sensorimotor system Supplementary informationSee also: News and Views by StanleyInterval time coding by neurons in the presupplementary and supplementary motor areas - pp502 - 507Akihisa Mita, Hajime Mushiake, Keisetsu Shima, Yoshiya Matsuzaka & Jun Tanjidoi:10.1038/nn.2272Previous work has implicated prefrontal and parietal cortex in time perception and the temporal domain in decision making. Single-cell recordings in monkeys performing an interval-generation task now reveal that neurons in the medial motor areas can also represent the passage of time.Abstract - Full Text - Interval time coding by neurons in the presupplementary and supplementary motor areas PDF (593 KB) - Interval time coding by neurons in the presupplementary and supplementary motor areas Supplementary information????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Nature Neuroscience Journal ~ April 2009, Volume 12 No 4 pp363-522 by: NPGA neural mechanism of first impressions - pp508 - 514Daniela Schiller, Jonathan B Freeman, Jason P Mitchell, James S Uleman & Elizabeth A Phelpsdoi:10.1038/nn.2278People can form opinions of others during an initial encounter. Neuroimaging results suggest that these first impressions are mediated by the amygdala and posterior cingulate cortex.Abstract - Full Text - A neural mechanism of first impressions PDF (369 KB) - A neural mechanism of first impressions Supplementary information
Hierarchical cognitive control deficits following damage to the human frontal lobe - pp515 - 522David Badre, Joshua Hoffman, Jeffrey W Cooney & Mark D'Espositodoi:10.1038/nn.2277The frontal lobes are critical for cognitive control over both abstract actions and motor plans. On the basis of the behavioral deficits of lesions patients, the authors report that there is a hierarchical organization of cognitive control, with rostral areas being required for decisions about more abstract actions and caudal areas being required for decisions about more concrete actions.
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